
resolved (pronounced "resolved", not "resolved") is a simple DNS server, and associated tools, for home networks. To that end, it supports:

  • Three modes of operation: as a recursive or forwarding nameserver (with caching) or as an authoritative nameserver for your specified domains only.
  • Defining custom records in hosts files (to make existing DNS blacklists each to use) and in zone files.
  • Listening on either IPv4 or IPv6, and communicating with upstream nameservers over both.


Install rustup, and then install the default toolchain:

rustup show

Then, compile in release mode;

cargo build --release

The DNS Server


resolved hasn't had any sort of security review, so be wary of exposing it on a public network.

Since resolved binds to port 53 (both UDP and TCP), it needs to be run as root or to have the CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE capability.

sudo ./target/release/resolved -Z config/zones

The config/zones directory contains standard configuration which you'll usually want to have (such as the "root hints" file), so you would typically either put your zone files in config/zones, or put them somewhere else and pass a second -Z option like so:

sudo ./target/release/resolved -Z config/zones -Z /path/to/your/zone/files

See the CLI documentation for more.

The DNS Client

There is also a dnsq utility to resolve names based on the server configuration directly. The main purpose of it is to test configuration changes.

$ ./target/release/dnsq AAAA -Z config/zones

;; ANSWER    300     IN      CNAME        300     IN      AAAA    2a01:4f8:c0c:bfc1::

See the --help text for all options.

Other Tools

There are also four utility programs (htoh, htoz, ztoh, and ztoz) to convert between hosts files and zone files.

They accept any syntactically valid file as input, and output it in a consistent format regardless of how the input is structured, so htoh and ztoz can be used to normalise existing files.


Rust sources are in the crates/ directory. There are two shared libraries:

And six binaries:

Developing with nix

Open a development shell:

nix develop

And run cargo commands in there.


Run the unit tests with:

cargo test

There are also fuzz tests in the fuzz/ directory, using cargo-fuzz:

cargo install cargo-fuzz

# list targets
cargo fuzz list

# run a target until it panics or is killed with ctrl-c
cargo fuzz run <target>

Supported standards

Introduction to DNS

The Domain Name System is a huge distributed eventually-consistent database mapping names, like, to numbers, like It's federated, with trusted entities delegating control of segments of the DNS namespace to others. It holds hundreds of millions of records, and updates to this database are typically visible in minutes to hours.

And the protocol behind it is not massively different to when it was standardised in the 1980s in RFC 1034: Domain Names - Concepts and Facilities and RFC 1035: Domain Names - Implementation and Specification.

This page gives an overview of how all this works, covering:

  1. The DNS protocol
  2. How your browser gets from to an IP address
  3. What a "zone" is
  4. The difference between authoritative, recursive, and forwarding nameservers
  5. What happens when you update a DNS record (there's no such thing as "propagation")

The DNS protocol

Let's start with an example (the +noedns flag turns off some extensions to the basic DNS protocol):

$ dig +noedns

; <<>> DiG 9.18.19 <<>> +noedns
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 42090
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0

;           IN      A

;; ANSWER SECTION:    300     IN      CNAME        300     IN      A

;; Query time: 28 msec
;; WHEN: Sat Oct 14 15:22:49 BST 2023
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 67

I've used dig a lot so I'm fairly used to reading this output, but I've since realised I wasn't really reading it.

What does flags: qr rd ra mean? What about AUTHORITY and ADDITIONAL?

Also, all the domain names there have a trailing dot. What's that about?

Time to dig into the protocol. RFC 1035 is our guide here.

Format of a DNS Message

DNS has two types of messages, queries and responses, and uses port 53. It prefers UDP but, if a message is too long to send in a single UDP datagram, it falls back to TCP.

A DNS message has five parts. These are:

  1. A header, which specifies what sort of message this is and how many entries are in the other parts. This also has those flags we saw in the dig output.

  2. The "question section", which specifies what sort of records the client is interested in. In principle you can ask multiple questions in a single query, but in practice this isn't widely supported.

  3. The "answer section", a collection of records directly answering the questions.

  4. The "authority section", a series of NS records pointing to an authoritative source which can answer the questions.

  5. The "additional section", a series of records which may be useful when using records from the answer and authority sections. For example, the A records for any nameservers given in the authority section. This is often omitted to save space.

The answer, authority, and additional sections won't be present in a query. But the question section will be present in a response: it's copied over from the query.

The Header

The header is 12 bytes long and has a few different fields packed in there. RFC 1035 has some nice ASCII art illustrations:

                                    1  1  1  1  1  1
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  0  1  2  3  4  5
    |                      ID                       |
    |QR|   Opcode  |AA|TC|RD|RA|   Z    |   RCODE   |
    |                    QDCOUNT                    |
    |                    ANCOUNT                    |
    |                    NSCOUNT                    |
    |                    ARCOUNT                    |


  • ID is a 16-bit random identifier set by the client and copied into the response by the server. Since UDP is connectionless, the ID is essential for the client to know which response goes with which query.

  • QR indicates whether this is a query (0) or a response (1).

  • OPCODE is a four-bit field, set by the client and copied into the response by the server, indicating what type of query this message is. The most common opcode is 0, which is a "standard query".

  • AA ("Authoritative Answer") is set by the server and means that this response is authoritative.

    More on authority in zones.

  • TC ("Truncation") is set by the server and means that the full response couldn't fit in a single UDP datagram, and so the client should try again using TCP.

  • RD ("Recursion Desired") is set by the client, and copied into the response by the server, and means that they would like the server to answer the question recursively, if they can.

    More on recursive and non-recursive resolution in how resolution happens.

  • RA ("Recursion Available") is set by the server and means that it can perform recursive resolution, if requested.

  • Z is reserved for future use, and so should be set to zero if you don't implement those future standards.

  • RCODE is a four-bit field, set by the server, indicating what type of response this message is. There are a few common ones:

    • 0 means no error
    • 1 means the server couldn't understand the query
    • 2 means the server encountered an error processing the query
    • 3 means the domain name in the query doesn't exist
    • 4 means the server doesn't support this sort of query
    • 5 means the server refused to answer the query
  • QDCOUNT, ANCOUNT, NSCOUNT, and ARCOUNT are 16-bit integers specifying the number of entries in the question, answer, authority, and additional sections (respectively) of the message.

All the multi-byte fields in a DNS message are unsigned and big endian.

Domain Names

Before diving into the other sections, let's have a look at how domain names are encoded. They show up a lot, after all.

Let's take the domain name, and separate it by dots. This gives us a sequence of labels:

  1. www
  2. barrucadu
  3. co
  4. uk
  5. (the empty label)

How you actually interpret those labels is a bit confused, unfortunately.

RFC 1035 says that they are sequences of arbitrary octets and that you can't assume any particular character encoding, but it also says that labels are to be compared case-insensitively.

RFC 4343 clarifies that that means octets in the range 0x41 to 0x5a (the upper case ASCII letters) are considered equal to corresponding octets in the range 0x61 to 0x7a (the lower case ASCII letters), and vice versa, but that that still doesn't mean that labels are ASCII, as they can also contain arbitrary non-ASCII octets.

But there's also RFC 3492, which defines the punycode standard for encoding internationalised, i.e. unicode, domain names into ASCII. So maybe domain names are ASCII after all?

There may well be a later RFC which resolves this ambiguity and says that labels are definitely ASCII, but I haven't seen it yet.

Anyway, back to the topic of encoding.

A label is encoded as a one-octet length field followed by the octets of the label. And an encoded domain name is a sequence of encoded labels. This means that a domain name ends with 0x00, the length of the empty label (and also makes encoded domain names work as null-terinated C strings, what a handy coincidence).

So is encoded as:

0x03 w w w 0x09 b a r r u c a d u 0x02 c o 0x02 u k 0x00

There are two restrictions on domain names:

  • A single label may be no more than 63 octets long (not including the length octet)

  • An entire encoded domain name may be no more than 255 octets long (including the label length octets)


Domain names get repeated a lot in DNS messages, and the 512 bytes of a UDP datagram can start to feel pretty limiting. So DNS also has a compression mechanism, where some suffix of a domain name can be replaced with a pointer to an earlier occurrence of that name.

So if the name appears in a message twice, the second occurrence could be represented as:

  •[pointer to 'uk.']
  • www.barrucadu.[pointer to '']
  • www.[pointer to '']
  • [pointer to '']

But how do you distinguish between a regular label and a pointer? Well, remember that a label can't be longer than 63 octets. And what's 63 as an 8-bit binary number?

It's 00111111.

There's two whole bits there at the front which are completely wasted!

So pointers are encoded as the two-octet sequence 11[14-bit index into message].

Pretty clever.


                                    1  1  1  1  1  1
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  0  1  2  3  4  5
    |                                               |
    /                     QNAME                     /
    /                                               /
    |                     QTYPE                     |
    |                     QCLASS                    |


  • QNAME is the domain name, which can be any length (so long as it's properly encoded), it's not padded to any specific size.

  • QTYPE is a 16-bit integer specifying the type of records the client is interested in. Which will usually be a record type (see the next subsection) or 255, meaning "all records". There are a few other QTYPEs but those are less common.

  • QCLASS is a 16-bit integer specifying which network class the client is interested in. These days this will always be 1, or IN, for "internet".

As an aside, it feels kind of wasteful that we effectively throw away 16 whole bits for each question and record on the historical "class" artefact. UDP messages are short, so we compress domain names to squeeze out a little extra space, but then we waste a bunch like this! Even worse, there never were very many network classes: RFC 1035 only defines four. Did the IETF really expect there to be so many non-internet networks in the future?

We can now understand the question section of our dig example!

;           IN      A

Means that it's looking for an internet address record for (yes, it shows the type and class the other way around). That question is encoded as:

0x03 w w w 0x09 b a r r u c a d u 0x02 c o 0x02 u k 0x00  ; qname:
0x00 0x01                                                 ; qtype:  A
0x00 0x01                                                 ; qclass: IN

Resource Records

The answer, authority, and additional sections are all a sequence of resource records:

                                    1  1  1  1  1  1
      0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  0  1  2  3  4  5
    |                                               |
    /                                               /
    /                      NAME                     /
    |                                               |
    |                      TYPE                     |
    |                     CLASS                     |
    |                      TTL                      |
    |                                               |
    |                   RDLENGTH                    |
    /                     RDATA                     /
    /                                               /


  • NAME is the domain name, which is variable-length like the QNAME of a question.

  • TYPE is a 16-bit integer specifying what sort of record this is. There are a fair few of these, but some common ones are:

    • 1, an A record
    • 2, a NS record
    • 5, a CNAME record
    • 28, a AAAA record (from RFC 3596)
    • and plenty others
  • CLASS is a 16-bit integer specifying what network class this record applies to. Like the QCLASS, these days this will always be 1. Unless you're specifically running some sort of old non-IP-based network for fun.

  • TTL is a 32-bit integer specifying the number of seconds that this record is valid for. This is important for caching purposes. Zero has a special meaning: it means that you can use the record to do whatever it is you're doing right now, but that you can't cache it at all.

  • RDLENGTH is a 16-bit integer specifying the length of the RDATA section.

  • RDATA is the record data, which is type- and class-specific. For example:

    • IN A records hold an IPv4 address, as a 32-bit number
    • IN NS and IN CNAME records hold a domain name
    • IN AAAA records hold an IPv6 address, as a 128-bit number

Returning to our dig example, we had two different resource records in the response:

;; ANSWER SECTION:    300     IN      CNAME        300     IN      A

We have one IN CNAME record for and one IN A record for This is because, upon encountering a CNAME, resolution starts again with whatever name the CNAME refers to (unless the query was for, say IN CNAME - more on this in how resolution happens).

Leaving out the name compression for simplicity, those records are encoded as:

0x03 w w w 0x09 b a r r u c a d u 0x02 c o 0x02 u k 0x00  ; name:
0x00 0x05                                                 ; type:     CNAME
0x00 0x01                                                 ; class:    IN
0x00 0x00 0x01 0x2c                                       ; ttl:      300
0x00 0x11                                                 ; rdlength: 17
0x09 b a r r u c a d u 0x02 c o 0x02 u k 0x00             ; rdata:

0x09 b a r r u c a d u 0x02 c o 0x02 u k 0x00             ; name:
0x00 0x01                                                 ; type:     A
0x00 0x01                                                 ; class:    IN
0x00 0x00 0x01 0x2c                                       ; ttl:      300
0x00 0x04                                                 ; rdlength: 4
0x74 0xcb 0x22 0xc9                                       ; rdata:

Example DNS query & response

Returning to our dig +noedns example from the beginning, we can now see the whole encoded query and response. I've included comments and linebreaks to make it clear what's what.

Here's the query:

;; header
0xa4 0x6a ; ID: 46676
0x01 0x00 ; flags: RD
0x00 0x01 ; QDCOUNT: 1
0x00 0x00 ; ANCOUNT: 0
0x00 0x00 ; NSCOUNT: 0
0x00 0x00 ; ARCOUNT: 0

;; question section
; A IN
0x03 w w w 0x09 b a r r u c a d u 0x02 c o 0x02 u k 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x00 0x01

And here's the response (omitting compression):

;; header
0xa4 0x6a ; ID: 46676
0x81 0x80 ; flags: QR, RD, RA
0x00 0x01 ; QDCOUNT: 1
0x00 0x02 ; ANCOUNT: 2
0x00 0x00 ; NSCOUNT: 0
0x00 0x00 ; ARCOUNT: 0

;; question section
; A IN
0x03 w w w 0x09 b a r r u c a d u 0x02 c o 0x02 u k 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x00 0x01

;; answer section
; CNAME IN 300
0x03 w w w 0x09 b a r r u c a d u 0x02 c o 0x02 u k 0x00 0x00 0x05 0x00 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x2c 0x00 0x11 0x09 b a r r u c a d u 0x02 c o 0x02 u k 0x00
; A IN 300
0x09 b a r r u c a d u 0x02 c o 0x02 u k 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x00 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x2c 0x00 0x04 0x74 0xcb 0x22 0xc9

And that's that!

The DNS protocol isn't very complicated. But it is somewhat fiddly, what with each record type having its own RDATA format, and the domain name compression.

How resolution happens

When we ran dig +noedns in the previous section, we got an answer. We found the IP address which refers to.

But how?

Well, dig tells us that it talked to some server at But how did that server know? Does it have a copy of the entire DNS? Unlikely, since there are hundreds of millions of records in use.

The answer is that the server followed a process called recursive resolution. This is described in section 5.3.3 of RFC 1034:

  1. See if we already know the answer (e.g. the relevant records are already cached), and return it to the client if so
  2. Figure out the best nameservers to ask
  3. Send them queries until one responds
  4. Analyse the response:
    • If the response answers the question, cache it and return it to the client
    • If the response gives some better nameservers to use, cache them and go back to step 2
    • If the response gives a CNAME, and this is not the answer, cache the CNAME record and start again with the new name
    • If the response is an error or doesn't make sense, go back to step 3

On the face of it this looks pretty straightforward, but on closer inspection that step 2 is doing a lot of work: how exactly do we "figure out the best nameservers to ask"? (That step 1 is also doing a surprising amount of work if your nameserver supports authoritative zones (see next section) - for the full details, see section 4.3.2 of RFC 1034).

Well, step 4.b gives us a clue here: if the response gives some better nameservers to use, cache them and go back to step 2. So we don't need to pick the correct nameservers at the very beginning. We only need to know about a nameserver which will be able to point us to a nameserver which knows that (or is closer to knowing that).

There are thirteen nameservers which, transitively, know about every domain name. These are the root nameservers, and they're where recursive resolution starts.

You can find them at through

So you just point your recursive resolver at, say, and... oh wait, we have a chicken-and-egg problem. Ultimately, you need to know their IP addresses. IANA, the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, provides the "root hints" file, which has the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of these root nameservers.

How do you download that file if you don't have DNS working to resolve Look, you just need IP addresses to get DNS and DNS to get IP addresses. Use or something while you get your fancy recursive resolver working.

Alright, let's resolve recursively! Starting with:

$ dig

; <<>> DiG 9.18.19 <<>>
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 52538
;; flags: qr rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 8, ADDITIONAL: 17
;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1472
;           IN      A

uk.                     172800  IN      NS
uk.                     172800  IN      NS
uk.                     172800  IN      NS
uk.                     172800  IN      NS
uk.                     172800  IN      NS
uk.                     172800  IN      NS
uk.                     172800  IN      NS
uk.                     172800  IN      NS

;; ADDITIONAL SECTION:             172800  IN      A             172800  IN      A             172800  IN      A             172800  IN      A            172800  IN      A            172800  IN      A            172800  IN      A            172800  IN      A             172800  IN      AAAA    2001:502:ad09::3             172800  IN      AAAA    2001:502:2eda::3             172800  IN      AAAA    2610:a1:1009::3             172800  IN      AAAA    2610:a1:1010::3            172800  IN      AAAA    2a01:618:400::1            172800  IN      AAAA    2401:fd80:400::1            172800  IN      AAAA    2a01:618:404::1            172800  IN      AAAA    2401:fd80:404::1

;; Query time: 12 msec
;; WHEN: Sat Oct 14 15:26:42 BST 2023
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 552

Alright, we now know the names and IP addresses of the uk. nameservers. Thanks, additional section!

On we go:

$ dig @

; <<>> DiG 9.18.19 <<>> @
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 32107
;; flags: qr rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 4, ADDITIONAL: 1
;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1232
; COOKIE: e393a7276308963401000000652aa5442e48e9fbe6ee0c99 (good)
;           IN      A

;; AUTHORITY SECTION:        172800  IN      NS        172800  IN      NS        172800  IN      NS        172800  IN      NS

;; Query time: 12 msec
;; WHEN: Sat Oct 14 15:27:16 BST 2023
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 215

No additional section here, so we'll need to resolve one of those nameservers. However, if we pick we can just ask the uk. nameservers again rather than going back to the root:

$ dig @

; <<>> DiG 9.18.19 <<>> @
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 1223
;; flags: qr rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 4, ADDITIONAL: 9
;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1232
; COOKIE: 3976ec588720dc3001000000652aa5b0bad98873c996aaa1 (good)
;       IN      A

;; AUTHORITY SECTION:        172800  IN      NS        172800  IN      NS        172800  IN      NS        172800  IN      NS

;; ADDITIONAL SECTION: 172800 IN    A 172800 IN    A 172800 IN     A 172800 IN     A 172800 IN    AAAA    2600:9000:5307:2800::1 172800 IN    AAAA    2600:9000:5305:e700::1 172800 IN     AAAA    2600:9000:5303:a400::1 172800 IN     AAAA    2600:9000:5301:6400::1

;; Query time: 10 msec
;; WHEN: Sat Oct 14 15:29:04 BST 2023
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 350

Getting there, we've now got down to the AWS DNS nameservers. Next!

$ dig @

; <<>> DiG 9.18.19 <<>> @
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 8253
;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 4, ADDITIONAL: 9
;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
;       IN      A

;; ANSWER SECTION: 172800 IN      A

;; AUTHORITY SECTION:        172800  IN      NS        172800  IN      NS        172800  IN      NS        172800  IN      NS

;; ADDITIONAL SECTION: 172800 IN    A 172800 IN    AAAA    2600:9000:5305:e700::1 172800 IN    A 172800 IN    AAAA    2600:9000:5307:2800::1 172800 IN     A 172800 IN     AAAA    2600:9000:5301:6400::1 172800 IN     A 172800 IN     AAAA    2600:9000:5303:a400::1

;; Query time: 12 msec
;; WHEN: Sat Oct 14 15:30:26 BST 2023
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 338

We've got an IP address for! Now we can answer our original question:

$ dig @

; <<>> DiG 9.18.19 <<>> @
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 62416
;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 4, ADDITIONAL: 1
;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
;           IN      A

;; ANSWER SECTION:    300     IN      CNAME        300     IN      A

;; AUTHORITY SECTION:        172800  IN      NS        172800  IN      NS        172800  IN      NS        172800  IN      NS

;; Query time: 12 msec
;; WHEN: Sat Oct 14 15:31:20 BST 2023
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 212

And we're done, after 5 requests to other nameservers. But in practice, a recursive resolver would likely have some of those already cached and wouldn't need to fetch them again.


In the previous section, it looked very much like the DNS was broken up into subtrees (or "zones", if you will) based on the label structure: the . nameservers knew about the uk. nameservers, but couldn't answer queries about subdomains of those directly; and similarly, the uk. nameservers knew about the nameservers for, but not any of its other records.

This makes sense. Imagine if the root nameservers knew every DNS record! Their databases would be huge! It would be infeasible to run a handful of servers which know hundreds of millions of records and which the whole world uses.

So . is a zone. And uk. is a zone. And is a zone. All of the TLDs are zones, and every domain you can buy creates a new zone. A zone can be bigger than a single label, e.g. is in the zone unless I delegate it to someone else, by creating some NS records for, say,

That's exactly how registering a domain name works, by the way. The registrars have privileged access to the TLD nameservers, and you pay them some money for them to send a message to the nameservers saying "please delegate barrucadu to these other nameservers".

Zones are traditionally represented in a textual format defined in RFC 1035. You've seen this format before: it's the format dig gives its responses in and it's the format of the root hints file.

Here's the zone file I use for my LAN DNS (which is served by resolved):

$ORIGIN lan.

@ 300 IN SOA @ @ 6 300 300 300 300

router            300 IN A

nyarlathotep      300 IN A
*.nyarlathotep    300 IN CNAME nyarlathotep

help              300 IN CNAME nyarlathotep
*.help            300 IN CNAME help

nas               300 IN CNAME nyarlathotep

bedroom.awair     300 IN A
living-room.awair 300 IN A

It's a list of records, but note that they all use relative domain names (no dot at the end). I could write them as absolute domain names, but that would be repetitive, and who doesn't want to golf their zone files? The $ORIGIN line at the top is used to complete any relative names, and the @ is an alias for the origin, so this zone file could also be written as:

lan. 300 IN SOA lan. lan. 6 300 300 300 300

router.lan.            300 IN A

nyarlathotep.lan.      300 IN A
*.nyarlathotep.lan.    300 IN CNAME nyarlathotep.lan.

help.lan.              300 IN CNAME nyarlathotep.lan.
*.help.lan.            300 IN CNAME help.lan.

nas.lan.               300 IN CNAME nyarlathotep.lan.

bedroom.awair.lan.     300 IN A
living-room.awair.lan. 300 IN A

Zones come in two types: authoritative (also just called a zone, or a master zone) and non-authoritative (also called hints). An authoritative zone has a SOA record, and causes the nameserver to give authoritative responses to questions which fall into that zone (see the next section).

Non-authoritative zones are primarily useful as a sort of permanent cache. Take the root hints file for example: all recursive resolvers need to know the NS records for .. But they should not act as if they're authoritative for ., they just know a little bit about it.

Since any nameserver could claim to be authoritative for any zone it wants, and I'm sure malicious nameservers often do try to claim ownership of big sites like, how does the DNS work?

It works on trust.

You trust that the root nameservers will give you the correct nameservers for all the TLDs. You then, in turn, trust that the TLD nameservers will give the correct nameservers for the domains registered under those TLDs. And so on, all the way down to the domain you actually want to resolve.

Not every nameserver operator will be equally trustworthy or competent, so that trust does erode somewhat as you move further and further away from the root, but if you do some basic validation of DNS responses (e.g. validating that the answers you get are for domains you know to be delegated to this nameserver), you can do pretty well.

DNS doesn't "propagate"

When I first got into web development, the common wisdom was that DNS changes took 24 to 48 hours to "propagate". But having seen some details of the DNS protocol and how recursive resolution works, does that really make sense? Shouldn't changes be visible as soon as the TTL of the old record expires? And shouldn't new records be visible immediately? Why do changes need to propagate? Where do they propagate to?

Propagation implies a push model, where you make your changes and then they get sent to the resolvers which need them. But that's not what happens at all: instead, caches expire.

Ok, there are two cases in which DNS does propagate:

  1. If you update your domain's NS records, your registrar needs to push those changes to the TLD nameservers. Apparently this used to be kind of slow, like, 20+ years ago. These days it's very fast.
  2. If you run a very high traffic authoritative nameserver, you'll operate multiple instances of it around the world to improve reliability and latency. So if you change a record, that change needs to be pushed out to all your servers. But this should take under a minute unless something is very wrong.

My hunch is that this 24 to 48 hour window came from:

  • Registrars being slow to update the TLD nameservers once upon a time
  • ISPs running notoriously poorly-behaving nameservers

Ah, ISP DNS. Almost the first thing any self-respecting nerd changes when setting up a new home network. They often do nefarious things like redirect misspelled domain names to ad-covered search pages, trying to profit off your typos. And, as it turns out, a lot of them ignore TTLs, and will cache something for a long period if they feel like it.

How long? Well, I've seen reports of 24 hours...

Well, no matter what the cause of the occasional slow DNS update is (though I can't say I've experienced slow DNS updates in a very long time, and updates are evidently fast enough for changing an A record to be considered a viable failover mechanism for big sites) "propagation" is the wrong mental model.

DNS is pull, not push.

Command line interface

resolved consists of a DNS nameserver and client, and some conversion utilities for hosts and zone files:

resolved - DNS server


resolved hasn't had any sort of security review, so be wary of exposing it on a public network.

A typical usage of resolved will look like:

sudo /path/to/resolved --cache-size 1000000     \
                       -Z /path/to/config/zones \
                       -A /path/to/your/hosts   \
                       -Z /path/to/your/zones

See --help for a full listing of command-line options (most of which can also be specified via environment variables), and also the configuration documentation and guides.


Prometheus metrics are exposed at by default.

Logs are emitted to stdout. Control the log level with the RUST_LOG environment variable:

  • RUST_LOG=trace - verbose messages useful for development, like "entered function X"
  • RUST_LOG=debug - warns about strange but recoverable situations, like "socket read error"
  • RUST_LOG=info - gives top-level information, like "new connection" or "reloading configuration"
  • RUST_LOG=warn - warns about recoverable internal errors and invalid configuration, like "could not serialise message" or "invalid record in cache"
  • RUST_LOG=error - warns about fatal errors and then terminates the process, like "could not bind socket"

You can also set the log level per component. A good default RUST_LOG definition is dns_resolver=info,resolved=info.

Set the log format with the RUST_LOG_FORMAT environment variable, which is a sequence of comma-separated values:

  • One of full (default), compact, pretty, or json - see the tracing_subscriber crate
  • One of ansi (default), no-ansi
  • One of time (default), no-time

If running under systemd (or some other processor supervisor which automatically adds timestamps), a good default RUST_LOG_FORMAT definition is json,no-time.


DNS uses port 53 (both UDP and TCP). So resolved must be run as root or with the CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE capability.


SIGUSR1 - reload the configuration

dnsq - DNS client

Answers questions in exactly the same way as resolved, providing a way to test configuration changes before deploying them.

For example:

$ /path/to/dnsq AAAA -Z /path/to/config/zones

;; ANSWER    300     IN      CNAME        300     IN      AAAA    2a01:4f8:c0c:bfc1::

See --help for a full listing of command-line options (which are a subset of the resolved options), and also the configuration documentation and guides.

Conversion utilities

This is a collection of four programs for converting between hosts files and zones files:

  • htoh - Read a hosts file from stdin, output it in a normalised form to stdout.
  • htoz - Read a hosts file from stdin, convert it to a zone file, and output it in a normalised form to stdout.
  • ztoh - Read a zone file from stdin, convert it to a hosts file, and output it in a normalised form to stdout.
  • ztoz - Read a zone file from stdin, output it in a normalised form to stdout.


Hosts files can only contain non-wildcard A and AAAA records, so this conversion is lossy.

  • --strict - Return an error if the zone file contains any records which cannot be represented in a hosts file


This section provides a reference to the resolved configuration:

Hosts and zone files

resolved supports two venerable formats for specifying DNS information: hosts files and zone files.

Hosts files can specify A and AAAA records, zone files can specify any types of record. Additionally, zone files can be "authoritative" (treated as fully defining all the records under a given domain) or "non-authoritative" (treated as providing a kind of permanent cache).

Non-authoritative zone files are also called "hints" files.

Hosts files

Hosts files follow a simple format, given in the hosts(5) manual page. It is a line-based format where each entry is of the form:

  • <ip-address> <hostname> [<hostname>...]

The IP address can be an IPv4 address (in which case the entry defines one or more A records) or an IPv6 address (in which case the entry defines one or more AAAA records).

For example, the following hosts file assigns A records to and, and AAAA records to,, and

Hostnames in hosts files do not need the trailing ., they're interpreted relative to the root domain.

Zone files

Zone files follow a complicated format, given in section 5 of RFC 1035. It is mostly a line-based format (other than parentheses, see below) where each entry is one of:

  • $ORIGIN <domain-name>
  • $INCLUDE <file-name> [<domain-name>]
  • [<domain-name>] [<ttl>] [<class>] <type> <rdata>
  • [<domain-name>] [<class>] [<ttl>] <type> <rdata>


  • $ORIGIN sets the base domain for relative domains (i.e. domains without the trailing .)
  • $INCLUDE includes another file, optionally setting its $ORIGIN to a given domain name.
  • The last two lines define resource records: if the domain name, TTL, or class are omitted the corresponding value from the previous resource record is used.

resolved doesn't support $INCLUDE directives, and only supports the IN record class.

The format of the <rdata> depends on the <type>:

  • A: an IPv4 address in standard form
  • AAAA: an IPv6 address in standard form
  • CNAME: a domain name
  • HINFO: a sequence of escaped octets
  • MB: a domain name
  • MD: a domain name
  • MF: a domain name
  • MG: a domain name
  • MR: a domain name
  • MX: a decimal integer (the preference) and a domain name (the exchange)
  • MINFO: two domain names (the rmailbx and emailbx)
  • NS: a domain name
  • NULL: a sequence of escaped octets
  • PTR: a domain name
  • SOA: two domain names (the mname and rname) and four decimal integers (the serial, refresh, retry, expire, and minimum)
  • SRV: three decimal integers (the priority, weight, and port) and a domain name (the target)
  • TXT: a sequence of escaped octets
  • WKS: a sequence of escaped octets

There are some special characters:

  • @ by itself denotes the current $ORIGIN
  • \X where X is some non-digit character escapes X
  • \DDD where DDD is a decimal number is the octet corresponding to that number
  • ( ... ) group data that crosses a line boundary
  • " ... " quote a sequence of octets, allowing spaces within

For example, the following zone file assigns A, MX, and SOA records to and CNAME records to and


@ 300 IN SOA @ @ 1 300 300 300 300

@ 300 IN A
@ 300 IN MX 10

www  300 IN CNAME @
blog 300 IN CNAME @


resolved prefers using records from hosts and zone files to answer queries, so it is possible to block a domain (or point it elsewhere) with a hosts file and to arbitrarily override records with zone files.

Internally, hosts files are converted into non-authoritative zones (i.e. a zone without a SOA record).

When deciding which zone to use to answer a query, resolved uses the SOA records to decide which zones are relevant. This has some consequences:

More specific authoritative zones override less specific ones

resolved uses the most specific zone it can to answer a query about a domain, which means if there are records for the same domain across multiple zones, only one of the zones will be used.

For example, if we have these two zone files:

; authoritative for, defines A record for

@ 300 IN SOA @ @ 1 300 300 300 300 300 IN A


; authoritative for, defines no other records

@ 300 IN SOA @ @ 1 300 300 300 300

Then a query for will be routed to the authoritative zone for and return no result, even though there is a result in the zone for

Authoritative zones override non-authoritative zones

Perhaps a non-obvious consequence of more specific zones overriding less specific ones is that authoritative zones override non-authoritative ones. This is because non-authoritative zones are merged into the root zone, which is the least specific zones.

For example, if we have this zone file:

; authoritative for

@ 300 IN SOA @ @ 1 300 300 300 300

And then either a non-authoritative zone file or a hosts file overriding a domain in that zone:

; a different zone file, with no SOA record 300 IN A


# a hosts file

Then the override for is ignored, and it will in fact resolve to nothing, since there is no record for in its authoritative zone.

The same authoritative zone can be defined across multiple files

If two or more zone files define the same authoritative zone, they are merged, with records from the second file overriding records from the first file where there is a clash.

Both zone files need to specify the SOA record.

For example, if we have these two zone files:

; authoritative for

@ 300 IN SOA @ @ 1 300 300 300 300

www  300 IN A
blog 300 IN CNAME www


; authoritative for

@ 300 IN SOA @ @ 2 300 300 300 300

@    300 IN MX mail

www  300 IN A
mail 300 IN A

Then resolved -z file1 -z file2 would use the zone:

; authoritative for

@ 300 IN SOA @ @ 2 300 300 300 300

@    300 IN MX mail

www  300 IN A
www  300 IN A
blog 300 IN CNAME www
mail 300 IN A

This is potentially confusing if misused, but allows adding records to the standard zones without editing those files.

Standard zones

resolved comes with the "root hints" file, from IANA, and authoritative zones for the RFC 6761: Special-Use Domain Names. These zone files are stored in the config/zones directory.

Root hints

This is a non-authoritative zone file (a "hints" file) giving the NS records for . (the root domain) and the A and AAAA records for those nameservers.

This file (or an equivalent if you want to use an alternative DNS root) is required when operating resolved as a recursive resolver.

RFC 6761 Private address reverse-mapping domains

These are authoritative zone files, defining no records by default, for implementing reverse lookups in the private address ranges.

For example, if the name of the host is example.lan, to support reverse lookups you should add the following record to

1.0.0 IN PTR example.lan.

RFC 6761 "invalid." domain

This is an authoritative zone file defining no records, so that all queries for domains in this zone fail.

No records should be added to it.

RFC 6761 "localhost." domain

This is an authoritative zone file defining A and AAAA records for localhost. and *.localhost. such that all queries respond positively with the loopback address.

No other records should be added to it.

RFC 6761 "test." domain

This is an authoritative zone file, defining no records by default. You may add any records you like to this zone.


This section provides how-to guides to do what you want with resolved:

  • Use a DNS blocklist. Using and creating your own blocklists, to do things like block advertising domains or prevent certain websites from being available.

  • Override a DNS record. A more powerful version of DNS blocklisting, allowing you to totally change how existing domains behave.

  • Set up LAN DNS. So you can provide DNS blocklisting, overrides, and local name resolution to all machines on your network.

Use a DNS blocklist


This is a special case of overriding DNS records.

A DNS blocklist is a hosts file mapping domains you want to block to (to block it over IPv4), ::0 (to block it over IPv6), or both.

For example, a hosts file containing the following two lines would block over both IPv4 and IPv6:

For a much larger example, see Steven Black's hosts file which begins with:

# Title: Hosts contributed by Steven Black

And then has many more entries.

If you have a DNS blocklist in some other format (for example, just a list of domains to block) you'll need to convert it into a hosts file (or a zone file) first.

Once you have your hosts file, configure resolved to use it with the -a or -A options:

  • resolved -a /path/to/directory/file
  • resolved -A /path/to/directory

I recommend the -A form, as you can then add or remove hosts files to the directory and send SIGUSR1 to resolved to reload the hosts files without restarting the process.

Override a DNS record

If resolved can resolve a record locally it won't query an upstream nameserver, even if it's not authoritative for that domain.

This means you can use hosts and zone files to override any DNS records you want.

Override an A or AAAA record

A hosts file allows you to override the A or AAAA records for a domain.

For example, a hosts file containing the following two lines would make resolve to your local machine, over both IPv4 and IPv6:

Once you have your hosts file, configure resolved to use it with the -a or -A options:

  • resolved -a /path/to/directory/file
  • resolved -A /path/to/directory

I recommend the -A form, as you can then add or remove hosts files to the directory and send SIGUSR1 to resolved to reload the hosts files without restarting the process.

Hosts files have some limitations: you can only override A and AAAA records, and you can't define wildcard records. For those, you need to use a zone file.

Override any type of record


This is how the "root hints" file works: it overrides the NS records for the root domain, which resolved would otherwise have no way to figure out.

A zone file allows you to override any type of record, including wildcard records.

For example, a zone file containing the following three lines would make * resolve to, and to your local machine, over both IPv4 and IPv6.

* 300 IN CNAME   300 IN A   300 IN AAAA  ::1

If you want to totally override all records for a domain, rather than just some of them, make your zone file authoritative for that domain by adding a SOA record.

For example, has an MX record, which resolved will fetch from the upstream nameservers if all you do is override CNAME, A, and AAAA records. You can "delete" the MX record by making your zone authoritative for 300 IN SOA 6 300 300 300 300

* 300 IN CNAME   300 IN A   300 IN AAAA  ::1

Once you have your zone file, configure resolved to use it with the -z or -Z options:

  • resolved -z /path/to/directory/file
  • resolved -Z /path/to/directory

I recommend the -Z form, as you can then add or remove zone files to the directory and send SIGUSR1 to resolved to reload the zone files without restarting the process.

Set up LAN DNS


If you use NixOS, you may find it useful to look at how I run resolved on my home server: package, module, configuration.


You will need to keep your computer switched on all the time, otherwise other machines on your network will no longer be able to resolve DNS.

This guide will walk you through:

  1. Installing resolved
  2. Configuring it with the records that you want for your LAN
  3. Writing a systemd unit to run it
  4. Getting other hosts on your network to use it

At the end, you will be able to assign names to machines on your LAN (and any other records you want), and have everything on your LAN use them.

Installing resolved

First, install rustup through your package manager.

Build resolved in release mode:

rustup show
cargo build --release

Copy over resolved to /opt:

sudo mkdir -p /opt/resolved/bin
sudo cp target/release/resolved /opt/resolved/bin
sudo cp -r config /opt/resolved
sudo mkdir /opt/resolved/config/hosts

We now have the following locations:

  • /opt/resolved/bin/resolved - the DNS server executable
  • /opt/resolved/config/hosts - directory to store your custom hosts files (e.g. DNS blocklists)
  • /opt/resolved/config/zones - directory to store resolved's standard zone files and your custom zone files (e.g. records for LAN hosts)

As everything is under /opt/resolved, you can just make a copy of that directory to fully back up your configuration.

Writing your configuration

Now set up whatever configuration you want in /opt/resolved/config/.

For example, here is the authoritative zone file I use for my LAN:

$ORIGIN lan.

@ 300 IN SOA @ @ 6 300 300 300 300

router            300 IN A

nyarlathotep      300 IN A
*.nyarlathotep    300 IN CNAME nyarlathotep

help              300 IN CNAME nyarlathotep
*.help            300 IN CNAME help

nas               300 IN CNAME nyarlathotep

bedroom.awair     300 IN A
living-room.awair 300 IN A

Let's break that down:

  • My router is at, and can be reached at the name router.lan.
  • I have a home server called nyarlathotep at which is reachable by a few different hostnames: nyarlathotep.lan, *.nyarlathotep.lan, help.lan, *.help.lan, and nas.lan.
  • I have a couple of air quality monitoring devices, with the names bedroom.awair.lan and living-room.awair.lan.

If you also want reverse DNS to work (going from an IP address to a hostname), then add PTR records to the appropriate standard zone file.

For example, for my LAN I modify the file:


@ IN SOA . . 3 3600 3600 3600 3600

1.0.0    IN PTR router.lan.
3.0.0    IN PTR nyarlathotep.lan.
187.20.0 IN PTR bedroom.awair.lan.
117.20.0 IN PTR living-room.awair.lan.

Running it with systemd

Here's a simplified version of the systemd unit file that I use:

Description=barrucadu/resolved nameserver

ExecReload=/bin/kill -USR1 $MAINPID
ExecStart=/opt/resolved/bin/resolved --cache-size 1000000 -A /opt/resolved/config/hosts -Z /opt/resolved/config/zones


This will run resolved under a non-root user, as a recursive resolver with a maximum cache size of 1 million records (though in practice it'll be much smaller than that, as records will expire - my cache hovers at around 4000 records).

See /opt/resolved/bin/resolved --help for other options you can set.

Save this to /etc/systemd/system/resolved.service and then enable it:

sudo systemctl enable --now resolved.service

Here are some helpful commands:

  • sudo systemctl stop resolved.service - stop the server
  • sudo systemctl reload resolved.service - reload the hosts and zones
  • journalctl -fu resolved.service - follow the logs

Configuring other machines on your LAN

Open your router's control panel and:

  1. Give the machine which will be running resolved a static IP address
  2. Change the DNS server assigned by DHCP to that IP address

The other machines on your LAN will gradually switch over to resolving DNS via resolved on your server. You can force this by reconnecting a machine to the network.

Now you're running DNS for your LAN!